
IT consultancy business meeting

Ok, so I made that up.  It doesn’t feature in the dictionary just yet, but my prediction is it’s only a matter of time.

What is rightsourcing?

In brief, rightsourcing is the process of deciding what it is you want and what your business actually needs.

The analysis and decision process could focus on cost, practicality, competences or timeliness, enabling a business to select the most appropriate sourcing arrangement to fulfil a project.

Questions to ask during the decision-making process

Firstly, analyse your internal team:

  • How efficient is the team in each job function?
    • What skills gaps are there across the in-house team?
  • Is there anything the in-house team could be doing that is currently outsourced?
    • Applying the skills matrix to the existing projects to ensure compatibility.
  • Likewise, is there anything the in-house team is currently doing that could be more efficiently fulfilled if outsourced?
    • Recognising any skills gaps for existing and new projects.

Secondly, analyse your contractors:

  • Do you have a good relationship with your contractors; do you have a good level of trust; do you have confidence in their abilities?
    • Experience across multiple vendors is a good start.
  • Do your contractors show a true interest in the success of your business?
    • Understanding the entire over-arching view of the business then where IT is delivered to add true value to the business.
  • Can you rely on them to recommend the most appropriate products and services?
    • Remaining fully aware of new relevant technologies and applying the best value and best advice at all times.

Through this type of analysis every project can be explicitly planned and undertaken, either internally (insourced), via contractors (outsourced) or through a combination of both.

The benefit of consultants

With their heightened expertise, consultants often recognise issues from a different perspective.  This fresh thinking, coupled with the knowledge and understanding of the latest technologies, can offer organisations cutting edge technologies delivering effective solutions to problems that may never have been noticed and considered – and commonly at a much lower cost.

A good outsourced supplier will act as an extension of your workforce: understanding your business requirements and objectives whilst working alongside you and your internal team to deliver the best level of service possible adding value at every stage of the process.

Final thoughts

In summary, rightsourcing selects the right people for the right job, to deliver the best service at the best price.

By tailoring personnel, be it internal or external, to the right processes, businesses’ can accomplish tasks efficiently and effectively and enhance the overall business.

When you plan your next project, consider the options. Rightsource. It’s that simple.

To find out how eSpida can assist you with your next project contact us on 0344 880 6145 or email

Infrastructure at night

A unified approach to IT can prove challenging, be it due to budgets, scheduling, customer expectations, or aligning departmental goals with the company’s corporate goals.  Many businesses deal with issues as they arise. Factors such as ageing equipment, a natural disaster or a security breach inevitably demand time and attention to solve and can cause costs to spiral.

The article ‘Moving from a reactive to a proactive approach to IT’, by Nigel Crockford, Business Development Manager at eSpida explains why running-to-failure is not helping your business grow

Moving from a reactive to a proactive approach to IT’ is available to read at